Our project is about our identity, and our architecture. Our
identity, life appears in many places in our area. The most obvious one
is the architecture. There are many differences between our old and new
buildings of our buildings. Of course in our lives ...
- Subjects:
- Art, Citizenship, Design and Technology, Drama, Environmental Education, Ethics, Geography, History, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Media Education, Philosophy / Logic, Psychology, Religion, Social Studies / Sociology, Technology
- Languages:
- EN
- Pupil's age:
- 8 - 15
- Tools to be used:
- Audio conference, Chat, e-mail, Forum, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Project Diary, Twinspace, Video conference, Virtual learning environment (communities, virtual classes, ...), Web publishing
- Aims:
- Our aim is is to show the following: architecture is a reflection of life. Climate, understanding of art, religion, language, lifestyle, as well as a lot of things, we can see in the architecture. There was no change in our culture and in our life times. And architecture has also changed. The buildings are different. We want to draw attention to this.
- Work process:
- Step 1: presentation about school Step 2: presentation about the city Step 3: presentation about country Step 4: Presentations of the city's oldest buildings, churches, etc. Step 5: Presentation about new buildings in the city Step 6: Children's Letters / Creating buildings
- Expected results:
- After all students, teachers and parents will see, some of the differences and similarities between countries. These differences and similarities: religion, language, culture, lifestyle, geography, history, sense of art ... All hidden hidden in the architecture. Despite the differences the children will all be friends. We expect intercultural understanding, of European children.
- პროექტის ფეისბუქ გვერდი
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